EHS has developed a variety of resources that help laboratorians, clinicians and other personnel safely handle and dispose of materials that they may encounter while at work.
EHS Manuals
Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization
EHS Updates and Guides
Clinical Chemotherapeutic Waste
Common Chemical Abbreviations Template (Login Required to Download)
Compressed Gas Cylinder Storage and Handling
Computer and Electronics Recycling
Drain and Trash Disposal of Chemicals
Electrophoresis Gel and Solutions Disposal
Films Containing Silver for Recycling (Photographic and X-Ray Films)
Laboratory Closeout Procedures
Pathological Waste Management and Disposal
Photographic Processing Waste Management
Forms and Requests
Chemical Collection Request Form
Equipment Decontamination Form
Engineering & Maintenance Service Request
Sharps Collection Request Form
Non-Hazardous Chemical List Aproved for Drain and Trash Disposal (see also: Drain and Trash Disposal Procedure)
You may request Hazardous Waste Labels from EHS, or download printer-friendly labels here.