
How do I register to attend one of the EHS instructor-led trainings?

EHS offers a wide variety of instructor-led trainings. To see a schedule of upcoming trainings, click here. After selecting the training(s) you need to attend, click on the "Register Online" link, or use our Training Registration Form. After you complete and submit the form electronically, you will receive a confirmation email.

Can EHS provide instructor-led trainings for specific departments?

Yes - if you have a group of 15 or more WCM staff members who require annual training (examples: Bloodborne Pathogens or Lab Chemical Safety and Disposal), EHS is available to conduct a training tailored to your specific needs. Please contact EHS to schedule.

What documentation do I need to bring to the training class in order to receive my laboratory certificate of fitness (C-14)?

Click on the appropriate link at the C-14 page (advanced degree or undergrad degree), to see what documentation needs to be brought to the class.

I am a physician with a clinical practice, but also maintain a research laboratory. Should I attend the bloodborne pathogen training or the clinical safety training, or both?

Because you are a clinician, you should attend the clinical safety training which combines bloodborne pathogen, chemical safety, fire safety and waste disposal training. Attending the bloodborne pathogen training is optional in your case.

How do I cancel my registration for an EHS instructor-led training?

To cancel your registration, please send an email to with your name, training title and date of training.

How can I obtain a certificate for attending an EHS instructor-led training?

EHS can send an electronic or paper copy of your certificate of training. To request a certificate of training, send an email to with your name, training title, date/time of training and your mailing address (box number or full address if off-campus).

What is a laboratory certificate of fitness?

A laboratory certificate of fitness is issued by the New York City Fire Department to laboratory users. The certificate of fitness ensures personnel qualified to act during a fire emergency are available inside laboratories while it is operating. See the laboratory certificate of fitness page for more information.

Who needs a laboratory certificate of fitness?

At any time a laboratory is in operation, a certificate of fitness holder must be present. If someone works over the weekend, that person must have a certificate of fitness. If the certificate of fitness holder leaves for lunch, all lab operations must cease if no certificate of fitness holder is present. For these reasons Environmental Health and Safety recommends every person working in a laboratory maintain a certificate of fitness. See the laboratory certificate of fitness page for more information.

How do I renew my laboratory certificate of fitness from the Fire Department?

Certificates may be renewed, from 60 days before the expiration date to one year after the expiration date, by mail or in person at the FDNY Bureau of Fire Prevention in Brooklyn. Certificates expired for more than one year cannot be renewed.

Avoid Penalties, Renew on Time

Below are the mail-in instructions:

  • Mail-in payments can be made by check or money order payable to the New York City Fire Department. The fee is $15 for a C-14. Late fees of $25 in addition to the renewal fee will be assessed if renewing the certificate after 91 days, but before one year, from the date of expiration.
  • Attach one of the following: renewal coupon (received in mail from FDNY), part B of the expired certificate of fitness (attached at bottom of the paper copy of the certificate), or a copy of the certificate.
  • If there are any changes in address, name, etc., attach a completed copy of a certificate of fitness application (A-20) and a letter from the department.
  • Attach a signed renewal form to certify that the new C-14 study materials have been reviewed.

All correspondence should be sent to:

NYC Fire Department
9 Metrotech Center 
Cashier's Office 1S-5
Brooklyn, New York 11201-3857

For further information concerning renewals of certificates of fitness, call (718) 999-0368.

How do I update new employer information or a new work address on my FDNY certificate of fitness C-14 card?

The FDNY requires the C-14 holder to provide personal supervision to your laboratory that is specifically assigned on your C-14. Whenever you move, you are required by the FDNY to update the employer and/or work address on your C-14 as follows:

Online: Follow this FDNY guidance document to create and track your request online. You will need to supply a letter of recommendation signed by your current supervisor on college letter head ( FDNY sample letter).

By Mail:

  1. Complete the application (A-20): Fill in the latest information on the application.
  2. Attach a letter from your principal investigator or supervisor indicating your new employer and/or new work address. Make sure the letter is printed on department letterhead and signed by your principal investigator or supervisor. A sample letter is available  here.
  3. Attach a $5 check or money order payable to New York City Fire Department to cover the change fee for issuing a new card.
  4. Attach a copy of your current certificate.
  5. All correspondence must be mailed to the FDNY at:
    New York City Fire Department
    9 Metro Tech Center
    Cashier Office
    Brooklyn, NY 11201-3857

What training must laboratory personnel receive to work with chemical waste?

All laboratory personnel generating or working with chemical waste must complete laboratory safety training initially and annually thereafter. A component of the laboratory safety training covers appropriate chemical waste disposal procedures.

Does EHS offer online training?

EHS offers annual refresher trainings online for bloodborne pathogens (also covers clinical safety), and laboratory chemical safety and disposal. Both online refresher trainings are permitted only for those individuals who have already attended an instructor-led training. For more online refresher training information, go to the training page.

If I don't have a CWID, how can I complete annual online refresher training?

If you do not have a CWID (first part of WCMC email address - example: abc2001), you can complete annual laboratory safety or clinical and general safety refresher training by either attending the instructor-led training again or taking the self-instruction exam in the EHS office. Contact EHS to schedule:

I work in a clinical area; what safety trainings are required?

The safety training requirements will depend on your work responsibilities and work location. Clarify your training requirements hereContact EHS: (646) 962-7233 or, if any additional assistance is needed.

I just completed my laboratory safety training refresher; could you email me my certificate?

Once refresher training is completed, a trainee must log out of the MyCertificates page and log back in to see and download the certificate (in the completed section of the page).

Who is eligible for WCMC EHS to provide FDNY C-14 certificate of fitness training and submit their application to the FDNY?

In order for WCM EHS to provide C-14 training and submit a C-14 online application for someone, the FDNY requires that the applicant's institution have authorized WCM EHS to serve as its designated coordinator. EHS is currently authorized to provide training to laboratory personnel from WCM, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, the Hospital for Special Surgery, Rockefeller University, and the New York Genome Center. Please note: WCM students working in Memorial Sloan Kettering labs under MSK principal investigators are not eligible for WCM training; they should contact Paul Zel at

Weill Cornell Medicine Environmental Health and Safety 402 East 67th Street
Room LA-0020
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-7233 Fax: (646) 962-0288

Contact Us

Go to the staff directory for individual contacts within EHS. You may also use the Weill Cornell Medicine online directory to search for faculty and staff.

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