Construction activities pose unique challenges for maintaining the health and safety of contractors and their employees, as well as the entire WCMC community working adjacent to, or in buildings in which construction activities occur.
The WCMC Contractor Safety Manual outlines the minimum EHS requirements for all contractors working on campus, and the responsibilities of both WCMC project managers and other departments that supervise or oversee activities performed by contractors. This manual also provides guidance for performing an Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) before certain types of activities begin.
Other EHS safety programs are applicable to safety at construction sites. These programs are referenced in the Contractor Safety Manual and include hot work, asbestos, lead, control of hazardous energy, and confined space.
As part of the Environmental Health and Safety Program Manual, building design guidelines have been established. All new construction and renovation projects must follow the design guidelines in this document.
Both of these documents are updated as needed. To ensure that the most recent document is being reference, always access directly from the EHS website. Project managers must that ensure the newest version is used for each project.