Chemical Inventory

Are chemical inventories required for laboratories?

Our inventory keeps changing over the year; what should we do?

Do I need to have an inventory of all my chemicals in my laboratory or other work area using chemicals?

How often should an inventory be conducted?

How often do I have to update my chemical inventory and Safety Data Sheets?

Chemical Safety

Who must maintain Material Safety Data Sheets?

Where should I store my MSDSs?

Are there OSHA standards that cover workers exposed to hazardous chemicals in laboratories?

How do I store corrosive acids in my laboratory?

What is an MSDS?

What is a Hazard Communication Program?

Where can I find an MSDS?

Where can I find secondary containment bins/trays?

What quantity limits on chemical storage in laboratories do I need to follow?

What is needed in a chemical spill clean up kit?

What is a laboratory certificate of fitness?

Who needs a laboratory certificate of fitness?

Do I need to have an inventory of all my chemicals in my laboratory or other work area using chemicals?

How often should an inventory be conducted?

What is required to use hydrofluoric acid (not hydrochloric acid)?

What are the hazards of oxidizing acids?

What are examples of oxidizing acids?

How should oxidizing acids be stored?

How should corrosive bases be stored?

How should corrosive materials be stored?

Is there a location where my laboratory can store excess flammable liquids?

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Weill Cornell Medicine Environmental Health and Safety 1300 York Avenue
Room LC006
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-7233 Fax: (646) 962-0288