Training Registration Instructions

Environmental Health and Safety training programs are provided and administered through the Weill Learning Management System. The Weill Learning Management System is used to:

  • Register for instructor-led training courses,
  • Register and complete web-based training courses, and
  • Maintain training records for WCM students, faculty and staff, as well as affiliates, external users and other non-WCM employees (e.g., visitors, volunteers, and interns)

EHS training is now available for external affiliated users and non-WCM employees (e.g., visitors, volunteers, and interns), as well as WCM students, faculty and staff.

Instructions for WCM Students, Faculty and Staff

  1. Log in to the Weill Business Gateway with your CWID and password. 
    1. Web Browser Note: Please use Chrome or Firefox to complete the training. Do not use Safari, Microsoft Edge, or Internet Explorer. 
  2. Click on the Learning-My Training Courses tile.  
  3. On the Learning Management System homepage go to the Find Learning section on the right side of the screen.
    1. Enter the name of the desired training, then click Go.
    2. OR click on Browse All Courses and use the Category search filter, or by selecting "Environmental Health and Safety" under the Subject Area filter on the left side of the screen. This option shows all available EHS trainings. 
  4. Click on View Course Dates to review the time and location of each training.
  5. Click Assign to Me to register for the training. A "Weill Cornell Course Enrollment Confirmation" email will be sent with training details.
  6. Attend the instructor-led or online training session. Depending on the course, a quiz may be required to obtain full certification.

Instructions for External Affiliate Users/Non-WCM Employees (e.g. Visitors, Volunteers, and Interns)

Please note: WCM has implemented Identity Management and Learning Management systems organization-wide. These new platforms require the creation of a Center Wide Identifier (CWID) prior to registering for training.

Please follow the instructions below in order to request a CWID.

New York-Presbyterian Hospital Employees: please contact Environmental Health and Safety to request CWID access to the WCM Learning Management System. Once the NYP CWID is activated, it can be used to register for EHS training programs onsite and online.

Burke Medical Research Institute Employees: please contact Marlee Dickinson or Katrina Wonorswki in order to have a CWID created. Once the CWID is generated and activated, it can be used to register for EHS training programs onsite and online.

Hospital for Special Surgery Employees: please contact Erik Attia in order to have a CWID created. Once the CWID is generated and activated, it can be used to register for EHS training programs onsite and online.

Hunter College Employees: please contact Rachel Torres in order to have a CWID created. Once the CWID is generated and activated, it can be used to register for EHS training programs onsite and online.

Rockefeller University, Cornell University, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Employees: please contact Environmental Health and Safety to request CWID creation and training access.

Once you have received an email confirmation of CWID creation, proceed to:

  1. Log in to the Learning Management System.
  2. On the Find Learning section on the right side of the screen, enter the name of the desired training, then click on Browse All Courses.
  3. A list of results will appear. You may also find the desired training by using the Category search filter, or by selecting "Environmental Health and Safety" under the Subject Area filter on the left side of the screen.
  4. Click on View Course Dates to review the time and location of each training.
  5. Click Assign to Me to register for the training. A "Weill Cornell Course Enrollment Confirmation" email will be sent with training details.
  6. Attend the instructor-led or online training session. Depending on the course, a quiz may be required to obtain full certification.


Contact Us

Go to the staff directory for individual contacts within EHS. You may also use the Weill Cornell Medicine online directory to search for faculty and staff.

Create an EHS Incident


Weill Cornell Medicine Environmental Health and Safety 402 East 67th Street
Room LA-0020
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-7233 Fax: (646) 962-0288