Chemical waste not suitable for drain or trash disposal must be collected and managed as chemical waste. Chemical waste may present a hazard to human health and the environment, and require appropriate management and disposal. All chemical waste must be:
- disposed via EHS (unless approved for drain or trash disposal)
- placed into compatible and sealable containers
- marked with a hazardous waste label that lists all constituents (contact EHS or download printer-friendly labels here)
- closed at all times unless adding or removing chemicals
- stored in secondary containment within a designated chemical waste satellite accumulation area, and labeled with an approved
chemical waste satellite accumulation area sign
- collected via online chemical collection request
Related Links
- Chemical Collection Request Form
Hazardous Waste Labeling
Waste Disposal Procedures
Common Chemical Abbreviations Template (Login Required to Download)
Drain and Trash Disposal of Chemicals
Compressed Gas Cylinder Storage and Handling
DEA Controlled Substances
Electrophoresis Gels and Solutions Disposal
Non-Hazardous Chemical List Approved for Drain and Trash Disposal
Peroxide-Forming Chemicals
Pyrophoric Chemicals
- Other Waste Manuals and Guides