Chemical & Radiological Emergency Response


Hazardous spills including biological, chemical or radiological materials pose a serious risk if not responded to promptly and properly, by individuals who initially identify the spill and the appropriate emergency response staff. General hazardous material spill response procedures include the following:

Rescue - Evacuate the spill area. Provide assistance including the use of safety showers and eyewashes. Seek emergency medical assistance once properly decontaminated.

Confine - Confine the spill area by closing the nearest doors. Isolate contaminated persons, and do not allow them to leave or spread contamination. Cover drains to prevent spills from entering the environment.

Report - Immediately report the spill to the appropriate emergency response office, as specified below in the material-specific spill cleanup procedures. Provide information about injured staff, type of hazardous material spilled, estimated quantity, and location. NYP Security can be contacted off-hours to report hazardous material spills.

Secure - Secure the area until emergency response personnel arrive, to ensure that no one enters the spill area. If an area has multiple entrances, be sure to locate staff at all entrances to prevent entry.

Cleanup - Cleanup must only be conducted by qualified personnel with the appropriate training, protective equipment and cleanup materials. Depending on the nature and size of the spill, trained department or laboratory staff may be able to cleanup the spill as specified below. Otherwise, emergency response staff are available to respond 24/7.

Biological Materials Spills

Operating department or laboratory staff can clean small biological spills which do not involve injury, are contained, and pose little hazard to staff - provided that they have the proper training, protective equipment and disinfectant. Otherwise, contact WCMC Environmental Health and Safety: (212) 746-6201 for biological spills in Weill Cornell Medicine spaces, or NYP Environmental Services: (212) 746-0630 for biological spills in NYP spaces.

Biological spill cleanup procedures typically include:

  • for aerosolized biological materials, waiting a minimum of 30 minutes to allow the material to settle
  • absorbing and collecting all free liquids using paper towels or other dry absorbents. Apply paper towels saturated in disinfectant over the spill area.
  • allowing sufficient contact time for the disinfectant to inactivate or kill the pathogen. At least one hour is recommended, but refer to the disinfectant's instructions for specific requirements.
  • collecting waste and contaminated protective equipment into red bags and sharps containers as appropriate for proper disposal

Refer to the PDF icon Biological Spill Planning and Response Manual for more information.

Chemical Spills

Operating department or laboratory staff can clean small chemical spills which do not involve injury, do not represent a fire hazard, pose little hazard to staff, and are less than one gallon - provided that they have the proper training, protective equipment and supplies. Otherwise, contact WCMC Environmental Health and Safety: (212) 746-6201 for chemical spills in Weill Cornell Medicine spaces, or NYP Environmental Health and Safety: (212) 746-1926 for chemical spills in NYP spaces.

Chemical spill cleanup procedures typically include:

  • turning off adjacent equipment or Bunsen burners to minimize the risk of fire
  • absorbing and collecting all free liquids using paper towels or other dry absorbents. Gently sweep or use damp towels to collect powders and minimize dust generation.
  • for small acid spills in laboratories, applying sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acid
  • collecting wastes and contaminated protective equipment into appropriate containers for proper disposal, as chemical waste unless non-hazardous and approved by EHS for normal trash disposal

Refer to the PDF icon Chemical Spill Planning and Response Manual for more information.

Radiological Spills

Minor Liquid spills (<100ml or 10mCi)
    Laboratory staff can clean up minor spills (less than 100ml or 10 mCi), following these instructions:
  • Notify all other persons in the room that a spill has occurred.
  • Prevent the spread of contamination by covering the spill with absorbent paper.
  • Clean up the spill using disposable gloves, absorbent paper and remote handling tongs. Carefully fold the absorbent paper with the clean side out, and place it in a plastic bag for later disposal as radioactive waste. Also put contaminated gloves and other contaminated disposable material in the bag.
  • Survey the area with an appropriate low-range radiation detection survey meter, or by wipe tests for removable contamination, as appropriate. Check the area around the spill. Also check hands, clothing and shoes for contamination.
  • Report the incident to the EHS: (646) 962-7233. On weekends, or weekdays after 6 p.m., contact Security: 6-0911. Request that Security contact the EHS Radiation Safety Emergency Responder.
Minor Dry Spill (<10mCi)
  • Wear rubber or plastic gloves. Place a damp absorbent paper over the spill.
  • Take care not to spread the contamination.
  • Decontaminate as necessary.
  • Report the incident to EHS: (646) 962-7233. On weekends, or weekdays after 6 p.m., contact Security: 6-0911. Request that Security contact the EHS Radiation Safety Emergency Responder immediately.
  • Permit no person to resume work in the area until EHS has confirmed a survey.
Major Spills (liquid or dry > 100ml or 10mCi)
    EHS does not recommend that laboratory personnel clean up major radiological spills.
  • Notify all persons not involved with the cleanup to vacate the room at once.
  • If the spill is liquid, right the container wearing appropriate gloves. Prevent the further spread of contamination by covering the spill with absorbent paper, but do not attempt to clean up the spill.
  • Limit movement of all personnel who may be contaminated, to prevent the spread of contamination.
  • Shield the source, if possible. This should be done only without further contamination or significant increase in radiation exposure.
  • Leave the room and lock the door(s) to prevent entry.
  • Notify EHS: (646) 962-7233 immediately. On weekends, or weekdays after 6 p.m., contact Security: 6-0911. Request that Security contact the EHS Radiation Safety Emergency Responder immediately.
Personal Decontamination
  • Contaminated clothing should be removed and stored for further evaluation by EHS.
  • If a spill is on the skin, flush thoroughly with lukewarm water and wash with mild soap, applying moderate pressure to avoid abrading the skin. This process may have to be repeated several times.
  • Notify EHS: (646) 962-7233 immediately. On weekends, or weekdays after 6 p.m., contact Security: 6-0911. Request that Security contact the EHS Radiation Safety Emergency Responder immediately.
Radioactive Dusts, Mists, Fumes, and Gases
  • Notify other persons to evacuate the room, hold their breath, close valves, and turn off air-circulating devices as time permits. Vacate the room.
  • Close all doors. Notify EHS: (646) 962-7233. On weekends, or weekdays after 6 p.m. contact Security: 6-0911. Request that Security contact the EHS Radiation Safety Emergency Responder immediately. Report suspected inhalations of radioactive materials.
  • Detail all persons suspected of being contaminated. Decontaminate as instructed by EHS. EHS must perform an air survey before work can be resumed.
Injuries Involving Radiation Hazards
  • Wash minor wounds immediately under running water, spreading the edges of the wound(s). Report all radiation accidents and personnel injuries to EHS: (646) 962-7233 immediately. On weekends, or weekdays after 6 p.m., contact Security: (212) 746-0911. Request that Security contact the EHS Radiation Safety Emergency Responder.
  • Have employees proceed to PDF icon Workforce Health and Safety, the NYP Emergency Department, or a location instructed by EHS. In the case of traumatic injury, call (212) 472-2222 for medical assistance.

Refer to the PDF icon Radiation Safety Manual for more information.

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Weill Cornell Medicine Environmental Health and Safety 1300 York Avenue
Room LC006
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-7233 Fax: (646) 962-0288