Frequently Asked Questions

Where is this form located?

Forms are available online and in hardcopy format. If you need a hardcopy form, please contact EHS.

I found the form, but where are the details that help me complete it?

The detailed instructions are an important component of the inspection form. Be sure to read the instructions for a particular item before completing it.

Is Environmental Health and Safety ultimately responsible for ensuring my compliance?

EHS is responsible for assisting in compliance, including notifying the college community of changes, providing tools to help implement the changes, and auditing facilities as needed. However, each laboratory principal investigator or department head is responsible for their own compliance. Personnel utilizing chemicals are individually responsible for ensuring their activities are in compliance.

What should I do if I find something wrong during my inspection?

If you find an area needing assistance during the inspection, please try to correct the issue. If additional assistance is needed, contact EHS. Additionally, EHS reviews all incoming inspection reports.

How often do I need to complete this form?

There is no requirement to complete the form at a certain frequency. The form is intended to aid investigators and supervisors in ensuring a safe and compliant environment. The audit form is also a useful tool for orientating new employees or students in management of hazardous wastes at the college.

Does this audit cover the storage and management of all chemicals (i.e., unused, intermediate and waste chemicals) stored and used in the lab?

No, this audit is strictly for the management of hazardous waste chemicals by those employees handling and accumulating hazardous wastes at the laboratory's satellite accumulation areas. However, many of the management techniques and safety precautions described within the audit may be beneficial for the management of all chemicals, regardless of whether they are waste or product.

If negative findings are discovered and reported to EHS, will this be held against the principal investigator or the department?

No, the goal of this audit program is to assist the principal investigator, their department and those persons in the work area in identifying areas of deficiency so that they can be resolved.

Do I return the completed form to EHS?

There is no requirement to send the form to EHS or maintain it in the laboratory. However, if areas of deficiency are noted and additional assistance is needed, save the form and contact EHS for further assistance.

Weill Cornell Medicine Environmental Health and Safety 1300 York Avenue
Room LC006
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-7233 Fax: (646) 962-0288

Contact Us

Go to the staff directory for individual contacts within EHS. You may also use the Weill Cornell Medicine online directory to search for faculty and staff.

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