Radiation Safety

Radiation safety services revolve around enforcing and maintaining the safest possible environment with regards to the use of radioactivity for clinical and research applications at Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Radiation Safety at WCM and NYP is overseen and administered by WCM Medical Health Physics (MHP).

MHP provides the following radiation safety services for WCM and NYP:

  • General Radiation Safety
    • enforcement and supervision of the safe use, storage and disposal of radioactive materials in all clinical and research applications
    • radiation education and training for students, clinicians and scientists
    • leakage tests for sealed sources
    • survey meter maintenance and calibration (not including dose rate meters).
    • access to and maintenance of Beta and Gamma sample-counting equipment, as well as an iodination core facility.
  • Diagnostic Imaging Quality Assurance - routine tests to ensure optimal, accurate and safe operation of all diagnostic imaging equipment
  • Ordering, receipt and distribution of all radioactive materials within the Central Isotope Laboratory

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Weill Cornell Medicine Environmental Health and Safety 402 East 67th Street
Room LA-0020
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-7233 Fax: (646) 962-0288