Fire Safety

I hear the fire alarms. Is this a drill?

The alarms have gone off in the main college. What should I do?

There is a strong burning chemical odor in my area. What should I do?

Should I utilize a fire extinguisher in the event of a fire?

A service representative I have contracted is working on equipment in my laboratory and has to do some soldering/hot work. Is that okay?

I am in the basement of the A-E college buildings. Sometimes I hear audible beeps which repeat about four times. What does this mean?

There are building materials and trash located inside the stairwell. What should I do?

The cabinet fire hose is leaking. Who should I report this to?

May items be stored on shelves up to the ceiling?

I noticed that most of the extinguishers are mounted on the wall, but our extinguisher is not mounted. Is this acceptable?

Why can't I use the elevator instead of the stairs during a fire alarm?

When is a pre-check required?

What is a designated hot work area?

What is a hot work authorization permit (hot work permit)?

Do I need to submit a hot work scheduling request form?

Why do we have fire drills?

How long does a fire drill normally last?

Weill Cornell Medicine Environmental Health and Safety 1300 York Avenue
Room LC006
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-7233 Fax: (646) 962-0288

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